Granada, the hot-cold Andalusian town

Hot in summer, cold at night, and especially, cold in winter. It is situated in the Sierra Nevada, which is known to be Spain’s most favorite ski resort. Yes, you did hear right. In the same Andalusia, where you find the Costa del Sol, the most amazing temperatures, the mildest winters, and unbelievable summers, you have the most famous ski region as well.

Of course, this is not everything you can see. Besides from the Alhambra and the beautiful district of Albaicin, which are the main attractions, you can just walk the streets and enjoy the Spanish flair. To us, one of the most beautiful things where the street signs, right at the houses. They might not even display the street name, but are super cute, pay attention when visiting.

And of course, as in all of Andalusia, house decoration is something important. Especially in the old district of Albaicin, you will see the beautiful flowers in windows, on the walls of the white houses. And sometimes, a little flower finds it’s way right through the wall.

Tipp: In Plaza de St Ana, in the evenings, you can find free presentations of Flamenco.

Do you have some specialties about Granada? Let us know.

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